Monday, August 22, 2011

Marching Chips & the Faculty Association

It’s been a while since I’ve posted anything, due to packing up my things and heading back to Central Michigan University for my sophomore year. Fire Up Chips!

I spent the last week practically breathing marching band, once again a part of the Marching Chips. We were busy learning music & drill, all day every day since the 15th. Last night was our preview show to all our parents and friends, from Kelly Shorts Stadium, a touching end to band camp, which last year I considered the “best week of my life.” Due to the focus on music that I’ve had, and all the new and old clarinet players I’ve been with constantly, I haven’t been very connected to the rest of the university. While I was spending my week memorizing music and high stepping down Jack Saunders Field, everybody else was spending time watching time run out on a deal between the University and the Faculty Association.
So here’s what the issue is for anyone not familiar. As explained to me, there are three associations of instructors at CMU: The Faculty Association (FA), the Union of Teaching Faculty (UTF), and the GSU, made up of graduate assistants. The UTF and GSU currently have contracts with the University. Contract talks between the University and the FA went on all summer, but nothing worked. It only ended with nothing resolved between the two parties, as we headed into another school year.

So at around 7:00 this morning, I wake up and come out of my dorm to see this. My jaw literally dropped.

There in front of me was every CMU teacher from the Faculty Association marching in a picket line, right in front of Warriner Hall. I never thought today would be so crazy, but it certainly turned out to be. All these FA teachers were on strike, and not in the classrooms. Thankfully it turns out that my classes at 8am, 10am, and 12pm all head instructors part of the UTF, so I was unaffected. Until of course my 2pm course where the teacher did not show up. She was also the only one of my instructors who didn't email me in the last few days to tell me to show up for class; so I wasn't all that surprised, but still dissapointed. At 4pm we had marching band practice, which our band director did not show up for because of his involvement in the FA. I was getting pretty restless with all the confusion of what would happen in the next couple days...
So I originally planned out a long editorial about this crazy day, and the looming threat of what's ahead. Then suddenly this afternoon, a court judge struck down the FA's illegal work stoppage, and temporarily ordered them back to work until friday. Pretty soon our band director came riding into practice on a bike singing a tune, not missing a chance at comedy. A sigh of relief came from dozens of us at the practice when it was announced, and another sigh of relief when it was on the local news. So at least for now, all my classes will take place...well that was a stressful first day of school....
It was quite odd seeing two instructors I had last year picketing on the sidewalks. I waved to both of them and wished them good luck. Isn't it a bad sign when the students are wishing the teachers good luck, rather than the teachers doing so for the students?
Either way, let's hope this kind of event can be prevented next time. (AKA Friday) George E. Ross just saw what can happen when the FA doesn't get a good contract deal, you get hundreds of picketing staff members and thousands of students who are missing a class from their schedule, wondering why their money is being wasted. Was I happy with this day at all? NO. I came here to get educated, not to have to wonder if I could actually take my class. Where has the "you get what you pay for" slogan been recently at this college? Students don't pay $20,000 a year to go here and yet not be able to have a class! I'm quite dissapointed right now, not only did teachers refuse to come to class, the university failed to make a deal with them. Stay tuned for more news on life at CMU...

Friday, August 5, 2011


Sorry I haven't posted anything recently, I've been a little busy

What better way to finish off a summer by not spending it outside!