Thursday, October 11, 2012

Opening Night

This was opening night.

This was the Thursday night in October I would suddenly rush home and turn on Hockey Night in Canada. The night in high school, when I’d get home from marching band practice and run downstairs, frantically flipping to channel 99; Toronto would be playing their first game of the season. I got to see all the new and old faces once again, hear the voice of Bob Cole, and witness some fast-paced sports action once again.

This was the night I counted down to during my freshman year at CMU, starting from a month away. The player introductions, the first goal, all the excitement. I think September 2010 was half-spent sucking in the college life, the other half was waiting for opening night on CBC…

There wasn’t any anticipation this year…I’m so sad…

Opening night 2008, where Nikolai Kulemin made his NHL debut by scoring his first goal

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Friday Night Lights in Northern Michigan

Pine River's offence and Manton's defence line up for a play in the 2nd half

One thing that I haven't done/seen in quite a while, (or interacted with much recently) was high school. This is pretty obvious, considering the fact that I'm in college. ß Ridiculously obvious lead-in, I know…

I went to my first high school football game of the 2012 season this past Friday  an hour and a half drive from Central Michigan. It was the Manton Rangers hosting the Pine River Bucks in Manton, Michigan, on September 29. Manton dominated the game, many times blowing right through Pine River's defence. Pine River never got very far on any of their possessions, and the Rangers won their homecoming game 21-0...

It was really cute listening to the homecoming court introductions at halftime, every guy & girl had their life goals described to the audience. For example: "Johnny hopes to go to college to become a brain surgeon," or "So and so wants to be a police officer." Everybody had the biggest goals, it reminds me of how my big my dreams were in high school...Likewise, I came to the realization that I have grown up, considering the fact that all the high schoolers looked like little kids. I think the realization partly came from seeing a 4-foot tall football player get destroyed when he got handed the ball… (Hard to believe I was at my high school from ages 14-17, I saw myself as being much "older" when I was there. Of course, I feel old right now at 19 in my junior year of college)

The Manton Ranger Marching Band plays the school's fight song
The real reason I attended is because of the Manton Ranger Marching Band. Over the summer I helped out with their band camp, and with another friend who helped out, we drove up to see how they were doing. The opening movement we had spent a week helping with has improved a lot; I wish the Ranger Marching Band the best of luck at their competition in Reed City!